Implementation of the Nostra Aetate Declaration in the Nyadran Tradition among the People of Santa Maria Lourdes Church Sumber Parish


  • Brigita Sekar Juwita Santo Fransiskus Asisi Cathechetical Pastoral College Semaran
  • Anselmus Joko Prayitno Santo Fransiskus Asisi Cathechetical Pastoral College Semarang
  • Nerita Setiyaningtiyas Santo Fransiskus Asisi Cathechetical Pastoral College Semarang


Nostra Aetate, Nyadran tradition, Harmony


Nostra Aetate or the Declaration on the relation of the church with Non-Chrisian religions, is an official declaration of the Vatican II, an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. Several attitudes that limit themselves in community activities and the community’s low understanding of local traditions are problems in research. One of the traditions that is maintained to build harmony between religious communities is the Nyadran tradition. To discuss this problem, researchers used qualitative methods with ethnographic studies. Research used data triangulation, purposive sampling techniques.1) The data results show, that the Nyadran tradistion does not deviate from Church teachings because it is interpreted as praying for deceased ancestors to obtain resurrection and eternal life with the Father in Heaven by expressing gratitude through a meal. Some parties restrict themselves due to religious teachings, locals uphold traditions without interpretation. 2) The Nostra Aetate declaration highlights Church acceptance of Nyadran tradition to promote societal well-being and environmental safety. 3)In social and pastoral life the Church has also implemented what is stated in the Nostra Aetate of declaration. Through the Nyadran tradition, people feel the negative impacts of modernization but also feel the positive impacts in the form of tolerance and spiritual connection.




How to Cite

Brigita Sekar Juwita, Anselmus Joko Prayitno, & Nerita Setiyaningtiyas. (2024). Implementation of the Nostra Aetate Declaration in the Nyadran Tradition among the People of Santa Maria Lourdes Church Sumber Parish. Proceeding International Conference on Educating to Intercultural Dialogue in Catholic School, 1(1), 103–111. Retrieved from