The gift of the Covenant in the Old Testament and Norms of Human Conduct


  • Dicky Aprianto Santo Fransiskus Asisi Semarang
  • Nerita Setyaningtiyas Santo Fransiskus Asisi Semarang
  • Yosef Reza Aji Saputra Santo Fransiskus Asisi Semarang


The gift of the Covenant, Norms, The Old Testament


A covenant establishes a structured accountability that allows all parties to act justly. The concept of a covenant in the Old Testament is used to describe the relationship between God and humans. This relationship forms a bond that involves the voluntary acceptance by the parties involved in the covenant, namely God and humans. The covenant between God and humans is not equal because it occurs within a special relationship where God accompanies, liberates, gives, and gathers humans to create order in life. God's regulations are intended for the behavior of Israel and include various norms and customs derived from local tribal regulations, tribal traditions, priestly teachings, and wisdom teachings.




How to Cite

Dicky Aprianto, Nerita Setyaningtiyas, & Yosef Reza Aji Saputra. (2024). The gift of the Covenant in the Old Testament and Norms of Human Conduct. Proceeding International Conference on Educating to Intercultural Dialogue in Catholic School, 1(1), 112–123. Retrieved from